Drainage 2000 company statement – Coronavirus (COVID-19)
At Drainage 2000 we treat the ongoing safety of our customers and employees with the greatest importance. As the spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19) increases, we have implemented some key measures to help limit the impact of this virus on our services. We can confirm that we are advising all Drainage 2000 employees to follow the government guidelines on how to prevent the spread of Coronavirus where possible.
- As a bare minimum, Drainage 2000 are following all government guidelines on health and safety practises to help delay the spread of the Coronavirus. If there are any further measures you would like us to adhere to, then please advise a member of the office team prior to any appointment.
- We are taking all reasonable hygiene precautions at our premises and within our vehicles and asking members of staff to follow the guidelines on washing hands. All our employees have been issued with the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment to minimise contamination. Including non-reusable disposable gloves. These will be worn for all work including signing service reports and mobile devices.
- We do not anticipate any disruption to our services, but we would appreciate your patience and understanding if such issues did arise.
For more up to date information regarding government guidelines and advice please refer to https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response
Please contact the office on 01246 456 300 or info@drainage2000.co.uk should you require any further assistance or information.